Stuff Alaric Said: The Show Notes
OK. I wasn’t going to do this (this is Jenny writing), but Genn insisted that I include my ultra-secret Alaric theme song, “Meridian” by Zola Blood. Maaaaybe I have this song on constant repeat all the time. Brace yourself for the feels.
Yup…now you all know the true depths of my Alaric obsession. I’m a little embarrassed.

Red sky during Storm Ophelia
Also, just for fun, here’s a weird-weather pic from Storm Ophelia in the UK. We’ve put up more on our Instagram. Look at that creepy sky!
OK. On to our sources. We got a lot from 410 AD: The Year that Shook Rome by David Stuttard and Sam Morehead:
Also, we totally lucked into finding this fascinating book. Chronicles of the Barbarians: Firsthand Accounts of Pillage and Conquest, From the Ancient World to the Fall of Constantinople by David Willis McCollough:
A Brief History of the Roman Empire by Stephen P. Kershaw was also very helpful:
We bow down before the consummate scholar of the Goths, Peter Heather. We used The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and the Barbarians, as well as The Goths.
Also Rome’s Gothic Wars: From the Third Century to Alaric by Michael Kulikowski:
We got most of what we knew about the early Christian church from this book:
We couldn’t have written this without The Origins and Deeds of the Goths by Jordanes (Charles Christopher Meriow translation):
As usual, we busted out our well-used copy of Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire:
And! If you want to listen to more podcasts about Alaric, here are some we recommend:
Dan Carlin’s Thor’s Angels is blisteringly good. Your ears will be blistered. Totally worth the $1.99.
And History of Rome does this period justice in a series of episodes:
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